Secrets of Right Brain Development for children, students and parents - We help to bring out the Genius in your child

Resources on the Shichida Method

Who is Dr. Makoto Shichida?

Professor Makoto Shichida is a highly respected figure in Japan and increasingly around the world as his revolutionary method of stimulating children’s brains from the age of three months is changing the way we understand how children learn.   The Shichida Method has been used in Japan for over 25 years and is backed by 40 years of research into developing techniques to stimulate the early development of the brain. 

The basic principles 

  •   The Shichida Method is based on    several main principles.  
  •   All children are born geniuses     
  •  Importance of parent-child      bonding     
  •   The dominance of the right brain.

Born Genius 

  1. Professor Shichida believes that all children are born as geniuses and the purpose of education is not to teach knowledge but to create a child with enormous abilities and potential. Shichida says the difference between his method and others is that it is “Based on love, heart and mind and focuses on children’s wishes to help others.”During the early years, when your baby’s brain cells are rapidly growing and making new connections, Shichida says is the best time to tap into your baby’s innate human abilities, capacities that all children are born with. These include;
  • Photographic memory  
  • Creativity
  • Rapid calculations     
  • Multiple Languages

Parent-Child Bonding  

The Shichida Method works on the principle of a strong, stress-free parent-child bond. The course requires that parents;   * Carry out course related activities with their children at home everyday     * Are continuously aware of their child at home     * Spend 30 minutes a day to practice with their child in order to continue brain learning   The method also encourages you to focus on your child’s brain development rather than their academic performance.  

The Right Brain  

The Shichida Method focuses on the right side of your baby’s brain which Prof Shichida calls the genius brain as it develops first. Up until a child starts school, between the ages of 4 and 6, he will use the right side of his brain more than the left. However, between four and six years old a child falls out of the habit of using his right brain. Because of this, the Shichida Method is best used during the critical window of training, between the ages of 0-3 years old.   Professor Shichida says, “The younger that children start, the easier to draw out and retain their genius ability.”   Children who have followed this method have excelled in many areas including;  

The method is designed to stimulate the right brain to benefit the whole brain so the main focus throughout the early years is on the right side of the brain.  

* Images – the right side of the brain is the ‘image’ side, meaning it works with visual stimulation    

* Stimulation – the right brain is best stimulated by repetition and continuance, focusing primarily on the five senses  

  * Subconscious – the right brain enables your child to learn subconsciously    

* Information – the right brain can process large amounts of information at high speeds  

  * Connectivity – by educating the right brain and connecting it to the left you can effectively fully educate the whole brain to it’s fullest potential  

The results for thousands of children educated in the early years using the Shichida Method have proved many times how the system can work. Professor Shichida says, “These children are tapping powers we never knew existed as if they are perfectly normal. Watching them rapidly memorize enormous amounts of information and recall with precision and understanding, predict future events, improve their athletic ability instantaneously serve as a guide for education that will revolutionize conventional approaches to child raising in the 21st Century.”  

The Characteristics of The Shichida Method Brain Training The left and right hemispheres of the brain have different capabilities. The right brain possesses the ability to retain complete image of things seen at a glance in the memory. Also, it is the receptacle for inspiration and the site of expression for image abundant creativity.   The right brain controls the abilities to visualize images and the realization of those images physically. Nearly all-successful people, regardless of their field of expertise, demonstrate the right brain ability of distinct image visualization.   However, as the left-brain develops, it becomes harder to bring forth the abilities of the right brain. If the child's brain is stuffed with knowledge, it becomes very difficult to exercise and develop the right brain. (Note: This is where Shichida has different opinion from Glenn Doman teaching). The Shichida Method believes in not over-emphasizing on knowledge education, and that the cultivation of the child's ability to learn on his own is of utmost importance.  

1. The five senses of the right brain. Corresponding to the 5 senses of the left-brain (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell) the right brain also has its 5 senses. However, they are not the senses of sight and hearing in the normal manner, but the ability to see, hear, sense things through waves translated into images. These 5 senses of the right brain are its basic abilities. When these abilities are released, man becomes capable of seeing images as motion pictures.

2. The ability to see images in the form of motion pictures.

3. Photographic memory

4. The ability to do complex mental calculations.

5. The conversion of images to words, numbers, symbols and the reverse.

6. The ability to master foreign languages easily.

7. The ability to receive inspiration and use it towards unique creativity.

8. The ability of photographic speed-reading.

9. The ability to receive information on an intuitive level, and to use that information accordingly.

Our collection of resources on the Shichida Method.

For a one time investment of just US $29.95, you can have access to our rare collection of resources on the Shichida Method, including information from the only Four Books ever printed in English. Two of these books are now out of print.

  • 1                A collection of articles on the Theory of  Shichida Method -   Prof. Celesty’s Report on the Shichida Method -
  • 2              Shichida 65 Day Maths Program-
  • 3.             Extensive notes taken during a Shichida Training course – 13 parts-
  • 4.               Suggested Plan of  Shichida Activities  for 18-24 MONTHS OLD 
  • 5                Shichida Random Dot Cards-
  • 6                An alphabetic list of 42 Exercises from the four books:          

1. Academic Report on The Work of Dr Makoto Shichida by Dr Celeste Matthews
The work of Dr Makoto Shichida is highly relevant to our purposes as it provides the scientific basis underlying the exercises we do. Not only that, he has also provided a wealth of exercises which have been adapted for a workshop format.

* What is the Shichida Method ?

Prof. Celeste Matthews who was trained by Dr Shichida, provides a very detailed explanation about the work of Dr Shichida.

2). 14 Part Notes on the Shichida Method

It is hard to find infomation about the shichida method outside of the shichida centres. however, we have been very fortunate to find some detailed notes by two parents who attended the course as well as a few sample lesson plans.


 QUANTUM SPEED READING - Designed by Shichida Tutor - Yumiko Tobitani



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