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Midbrain-Activation Tips, Issue #039 October 04, 2014 |
Dear FriendMIDBRAIN ACTIVATION October 5 -2014Contents
Quote of the Week
Have you ever been in a situation when you are astonished by your children's pure hearts and their almost magical power? It is from this power that Quantum Speed reading evolves. There are now children who can understand what a book is all about by just quickly flipping the pages. Yumiko Tobitani Editorial Welcome to our weekly newsletter. We return to one of the central themes in our website – Your baby/child is a genius. She can read a book just by flipping the pages rapidly Discovered by accident by Yumiko Tobitani of the Shichida Child Academy, Quantum Speed-Reading involves repeatedly flipping through the pages of a book without making any attempt to read the words. When done properly, Tobitani found that this enabled her grade school students to understand the content of the books—even when the books were written in English, a language the children did not know how to read! More information on this method and instructor training in today's ezine Welcome to our new members Please feel free to pass this on to your list Enjoy THE BACK ISSUES ARE AT... WHO IS MS YUMIKO TOBITANI ?Ms. Tobitani is a leading teacher at the Shichida Child Academy (SCA) with previous experience at the foreign exchange department of the Tokyo Bank.After having managed a prep school she joined the SCA in 1992. Based on her experience in the educational field she has developed the Dot Program, The Right Brain Memorization and Sensory Training Program, Quantum Speed Reading and The Right Brain Speed Calculation System among others as well as being in charge of the program for juniors. She is also involved in leading seminars for adults in right brain development. She currently heads the research and development branch of SCA and is a member of both the Human Science Association and the Subtle Energy Association of Japan. Need more.. .HOW IT ALL BEGAINIt all began 'by accident' as most of us are fond of saying. One day, ace teacher Yumiko Tobitani was doing a lesson with children at the Shichida child academy in Tokyo. She asked the children to quickly, then slowly, flick through the pages of a book for a total of thirty times. Each child had their own chair that they took to a spot where they felt most relaxed and proceeded to flick through the pages of the book. After finishing, they came back to their desks.However there was one child who stayed back. Ms. Tobitani could see that this child looked really involved in the book and thought, "Oh well I'll just leave him to carry on". Just after she had done this she heard the sound of the chair being dragged back across the floor and there was the child back at his desk. Then he simply said, "That was really fun." When kids show some kind of a change in their speech or behavior Yumiko generally tries to listen to them. So she asked this particular student what was going on. The astonishing reply led to the creation of QSR. The eight year old student said, "I saw pictures coming out of the pages and I understood everything in the book". Yumiko, through her long experience as a teacher in non-linear learning, instantly realized a function of the right brain's imagery was at work with this child. The right brain is deeply connected to speed. So when a book is flipped through at high speed the words are transformed into images and come out as pictures. Naturally the other kids had no idea what was going on and just sat there amazed. She decided to have some other children have a try at it. All of them did exactly the same, flipping through the pages. Amazingly all of them saw images coming out. The right brain has the ability to communicate information so that it is understandable to everyone. This is called resonance. Therefore when everybody has a desire to learn it or the desire to see it, this ability gets transmitted to everyone as a resonating vibration. Because of this an entirely new way of reading books was born and Yumiko Tobitani decided to call it, 'Quantum Speed Reading'. This was to be a momentous event in the field of creative education.
Learning is normally a function of left-brain logic and reasoning, but Quantum Speed-Reading introduces a revolutionary method of learning that bypasses the left brain and taps directly into the power of the right brain. The implications are huge. Tobitani’s system appears to enable us to process information via the right brain, and so the result is instant and holistic rather than sequential and fragmented. The results are little short of magical, and the possible applications are endless. Quantum Speed-Reading includes numerous photos and illustrations of the Quantum Speed-Reading system in action. Besides exercises for children and adults, Quantum Speed-Reading provides a program for toddlers. Quantum Speed-Reading was originally published in Japan
THE BENEFITS OF QSRAfter many years of experimentation QSR has proven to be a highly effective way of learning. However as we shall see it is not at all limited in its effects to education alone. Let's now look at some of the results that have been witnessed by those participating in the adults' training seminars. A business seminar lasting four hours per lesson was held for three days straight. After it was completed we heard of people's various impressions. These can be divided into the following categories:1) Health improvement 2) The development of precognitive ability 3) Memory improvement 4) Intuition development 5) Wish fulfillment 6) Improvement in timing 7) Concentration 8) Imaging power 9) Improvement in human relations and consideration for others 10) Feelings of 11) Life changing The following data was collected from questionnaires. Although we had some trouble deciding on which category was suitable here is a sampling of some of the delighted responses participants provided.
ACTIVATE THE THIRD EYEPLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE...,....DO YOU HAVE A PROGRAM RELATING TO EDUCATION?If you conduct classes or programs or workshops on whole brain development, right brain education, multiple intelligence etc. and would like world-wide exposure, please
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