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Midbrain-Activation Tips, Issue #036 September 14, 2014 |
Dear FriendMIDBRAIN ACTIVATION September 14 -2014Contents
Quote of the Week
"If you have always lived inside a dark cellar, to you this cellar is not a cellar, it is the whole universe. You can't even conceive of the wonder waiting for you if you were to step out and walk in the real world" Dr Samuel Sagan - Awakening the Third Eye EditorialWelcome to our weekly newsletter. A frequent question from parents attending our workshops has been, “don’t you have a program for us adults?” We have been searching and today are pleased to announce some good news. Please visit our website:
Ms Tina Lee has assured that her Trinity Balance Midbrain Activation workshop actually benefits both the trainer and the students. What Ms Tina promises is not new - according to the consciousness theorist, Anthony Peake, the pineal gland’s central role in transcendent experience has long been known by the world’s esoteric religious traditions, often venerated as the ‘third eye’ that needs to be opened in order to see the inner worlds of the mystic. ***************
Welcome to our new members Please feel free to pass this on to your list Enjoy 3 Tips for Teaching Your Child to ReadLearning to read at a young age is important for the development of the child. It helps them develop a better understand of their surroundings, allows them to gather information from printed materials, and provides them with a wonderful source of entertainment when they read stories and rhymes. Children develop at different rates, and some children will develop reading skills quicker than other children; however, what's important is that as the parent, you are keenly aware of your child's maturity and reading level to provide them with appropriate books and activities to help them improve. As parents, you are the most important teacher for your children. You will introduce your child to books and reading. Below we have some tips to help you teach your child to read.Teach Your Child How to Read Tip #1 Teach your child alphabet letters and sounds at the same time. Studies have shown that children learn best when they are taught the letter names and letter sounds at the same time. In one study, 58 preschool children were randomly assigned to receive instructions in letter names and sounds, letter sound only, or numbers (control group). The results of this study are consistent with past research results in that it found children receiving letter name and sound instruction were most likely to learn the sounds of letters whose names included cues to their sounds. [1] When teaching your child the letter sounds, have them slowly trace the letter, while saying the sound of the letter at the same time. For example, if you were teaching your child the letter "A", you would say: "The letter A makes the /A/ (ah) sound." Then have your child say the /A/ sound while tracing the letter with his or her index finger. Teaching a Child How to Read Tip #2 When teaching your child to read, always emphasize with them that the proper reading order should be from left to right, and top to bottom. To adults, this may seem so basic that anyone should know it. However, our children are not born with the knowledge that printed text should be read from left to right and top to bottom, and this is why you'll sometimes see children reading from right to left instead - because they were never explicitly taught to read from left to right. When teaching your child how to read, always emphasize this point with them. Teach Your Child How to Read Tip #3 Teach final consonant blends first. Teaching words such "at" and "and" can lead your child directly to learning words that rhyme with these. For example, for "at", you can have: Lat Pat Mat Cat Sat Bat Spat Chat For "and", you can have these rhyming words: Sand Band Land Hand Stand Bland Brand Grand and so on... You can start teaching blends once your child has learned the sounds of some consonants and short vowel sounds. You don't need to wait until your child has mastered the sounds of all the letters before teaching blends. Learning to read is a long process, but it doesn't have to be a difficult process. Broken down into intuitive and logical steps, a child as young as two years old can learn to read, and older children can accomplish even more. For more information please visitFOR MORE INFORMATION>> Click here to for a simple, step-by-step program that can help your child learn to read, and watch a video of a 2 year old child reading CLAIRVISION SCHOOLCLAIRVISION SCHOOLClairvision School in Australia, founded by Dr Sam Sagan presents a course on "Awakening the Third Eye" in several parts of the world. The course is described as: * It is a means of self-discovery and transformation allowing one to reach an unprecedented level of depth in the psyche; * It reveals aspects of the Self that one had never suspected, opening untapped potential and sources of inspiration and creativity; * It takes one to the source of emotional charges and deeply-rooted traumas, while allowing a safe release of these blockages; * It enables discovery of past, present and future energy patterns in the individual psyche; * It is a highly effective method of energy-balancing; * It works through a stimulation of the third eye and perception of the inner space. FOR A LIST OF SKILLS COVERED IN THE COURSEPLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE...,....DO YOU HAVE A PROGRAM RELATING TO EDUCATION?If you conduct classes or programs or workshops on whole brain development, right brain education, multiple intelligence etc. and would like world-wide exposure, please Send an email now!
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