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Midbrain-Activation Tips, Issue #032 August 04, 2014 |
Dear FriendMIDBRAIN ACTIVATION July 27 -2014Contents
Quote of the Week
“If you wish to make an impact for one year, plant corn; if you wish to make an impact for a generation, plant a tree; if you wish to make an impact for an eternity, educate a child” EditorialWelcome to our weekly newsletter. SHOULD WE TEACH MINDFULNESS TO CHILDREN? Isn’t this a New Age fad for flower people ? Read on “Mindfulness is not hitting someone in the mouth.” Those were the words of an 11-year-old boy who had just completed a five-week mindfulness-training program at his school, as reported by The New York Times. It’s a simple statement, but it speaks to several of the emotional and psychological benefits of mindfulness training, including increased patience and frustration tolerance, and the ability to stay calm in the midst of challenging situations and intense emotions.
Welcome to our new members Please feel free to pass this on to your list Enjoy MINDFULNESS – A SIMPLE SKILL WITH IMMENSE BENEFITSMindfulness and meditation are both gaining in popularity as more and more people discover how this simple skill can have a profoundly positive impact on your life. Organisations such as Google, Apple, Nike and Yahoo! now run mindfulness programmes and sessions for staff during work hours.Modern research about mindfulness and meditation shows measurable and significant benefits to people including less stress, less anxiety, greater focus, calm and happiness Mindfulness is "the intentional, accepting and non-judgmental focus of one's attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations occurring in the present moment",[1] which can be trained by meditational practices[1] derived from Buddhist anapanasati.[2] The term "mindfulness" is derived from the Pali-term sati,[3] "mindfulness", which is an essential element of Buddhist practice, including vipassana, satipaṭṭhāna and anapanasati. Mindfulness practice is being employed in psychology to alleviate a variety of mental and physical conditions, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, and in the prevention of relapse in depression and drug addiction.[4] It has gained worldwide popularity as a distinctive method to handle emotions. Mindfulness means “paying attention in a particular way; On purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally.” – Jon Kabat Zinn (Professor of Medicine Emeritus Stress Reduction Clinic and the Centre for Mindfulness in Medicine). SHOULD WE TEACH MINDFULNESS TO CHILDREN? Isn’t this a New Age fad for flower people ? Read on “Mindfulness is not hitting someone in the mouth.” Those were the words of an 11-year-old boy who had just completed a five-week mindfulness-training program at his school, as reported by The New York Times. It’s a simple statement, but it speaks to several of the emotional and psychological benefits of mindfulness training, including increased patience and frustration tolerance, and the ability to stay calm in the midst of challenging situations and intense emotions. What parent doesn’t want our child to use her words instead of throw a tantrum or take a deep breath instead of smash a toy? The reality is that our children will get better at these skills, but it’s a life-long learning process. The good news is that we can start to teach our children these skills now -- as evidenced by the words of that 11 year-old boy -- and there is a lot of research and information about how to do it. Mindfulness is being used in schools, colleges and universities to help teachers, children, and students. Mindfulness helps children, students and teachers to improve their concentration, attention, conflict resolution, and empathy. Mindfulness can help reduce workplace tensions. People who practice mindfulness at work report an improved ability to communicate clearly and more appropriate reactions to stressful situations. They also report a better ability to handle workplace conflict, Improved teamwork, a better ability to "think out of the box" and in some cases enhanced creativity According to Professor Mark Williams (2011), Oxford University "Mindfulness is a translation of a word that simply means awareness. It's a direct, intuitive knowing of what you are doing while you are doing it. It's knowing what's going on inside your mind and body, and what's going on in the outside world as well. Most of the time our attention is not where we intended it to be. Our attention is hijacked by external stimuli such as radio, TV, iPads, Bill Boards, and a host of other things. When we have a moment to ourselves, attention is again hijacked by our thoughts and emotions, by our concerns, by our worries for the future, and our regrets and memories of the past. Mindful awareness is about learning to pay attention, in the present moment, and without judgement. It's like training a muscle - training attention to be where you want it to be. This reduces our tendency to work on autopilot, allowing us to us choose how we respond & react." Interest in mindfulness has been growing steadily in recent years. There are now thousands of research studies into the uses of mindfulness, and professionals are using mindfulness in Boardrooms, Schools, Prisons, Court rooms and hospitals across the world. is an independent mindfulness website that aims to provide "everything you need to know about mindfulness in one place". The internet is full of sites that offer plenty of help in this regard. Here’s a good place to start with: – Everything you need to know about mindfulness in one place Frequently Asked Questions • What is Mindfulness? • How can I use Mindfulness? • What is the science behind it? • Is there any research into it? • Where can I find a teacher? • Where can I find books on Mindfulness? • Where can I find free resources & links? • Are there any conferences on Mindfulness? • How can I get listed on Mindfulnet? • A is for awareness - Becoming more aware of what you are thinking and doing - whats going on in your mind and body. • B is for "just Being" with your experience. Avoiding the tendency to respond on auto-pilot and feed problems by creating your own story. • C is for seeing things and responding more wisely. By creating a gap between the experience and our reaction to, we can make wiser choices. • Juliet Adams, Founder of & Director, A Head for Work Another website that I would recommend is:, where you can download a pdf file of exercises to do at home. Link is below.
MORE USEFUL RESOURCESResource #1. Brain friendly strategies you can use to ignite your child’s learning and succecs at school.Resources #2. SIX TIPS FOR BRAIN BASED LEARNING 1. Create a safe climate for learning 2. Encourage a Growth Mind Set 3. Emphasize Feedback 4. Get Bodies and Brains in Gear 5. Start Early 6. Embrace the power of novelty Bonus Project : Build A Brain Owner’s Manua Follow the link below.
SIX TIPS MIDBRAIN ACTIVATION PARENTS GUIDEThe Midbrain Activation Manual is now being updated as we have had many enthusiastic parents try our book at home at a special price.Your investment of time and effort will not only profit your child(ren) but help us in our vision of creating a World Without Blindness project. Read more about the PARENTS GUIDE TO MIDBRAIN ACTIVATION WANTED DYNAMIC PROMOTERSWe have seen plenty of evidence of the power of The Midbrain Activation. This is a gift for our future generations and we need your help to promote it worldwide. We have very affordable plans that take your that take into consideration your unique situation.Please visit our website for more information on this amazing opportunity READ MORE ABOUT THIS OPPORTUNITY MIDBRAIN ACTIVATION IN SRI LANKA / INDIA - JUNE 2014CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS ============================================Tips & Tricks on Midbrain Activation ============================================ Subscriber Feedback ======================================================== We welcome your feedback, questions, and suggestions ======================================================= General & Unsubscribe Info ======================================================== MIDBRAIN ACTIVATION © Copyright 2012, RUWAN ASSOCIATES, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. No express or implied income claims made herein. Your business success is dependent on many factors, including your own abilities. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content. Please feel free to use excerpts from this newsletter as long as you give credit with a link to our page: ======================================================== MIDBRAIN ACTIVATION is an opt-in ezine available by subscription only. We neither use nor endorse the use of spam. Thank you!
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