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HOW TO CREATE A GENIUS FAMILY September 07, 2019 |
Dear FriendHOW TO CREATE A GENIUS FAMILY - 8 Sep 2019Contents
“Reading Maketh A Full Man" Sir Francis Bacon Editorial Welcome to our Newsletter on the 50 th Anniversary of the Moon landing The 21 Day Tapping Meditation SeriesWe are always focused on learning more about tools and techniques that can help us heal, transform, and wake up, and we have found the EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) by Dawson Church -- one of EFT’s greatest guides and advocates -- to be something we want to include in our healing, transforming, and waking up medicine bag.Dawson is supplying us with a great, free introductory gift to help us begin to use this extraordinary technology. I have found, in my case, that my ongoing meditation and transformational practice helps me to fully experience and appreciate the different practices I’ve been discovering and working with. Dawson has done an extraordinary job with this offering and I am delighted to be able to turn you on to it. Also, for years now, I’ve had people reporting to me the great benefits they garnered from using EFT, so I’m very happy to be able to share this and support Dawson in the noble and powerful work he is doing in the world. THE OFFERING Dawson has created a series of 21 tapping meditations. Each one is 7 minutes long. Each one is a powerful combination of tapping, hypnosis, and affirmations. And they focus on the mastery of these 5 key areas, namely: • Health • Money • Relationships • Work • Spirituality I think you will love Dawson’s deep and powerful meditations and find them a great resource for releasing patterns that stand between you and your dreams. You will receive one meditation each day and tap along with Dawson for seven minutes, as you dive deep into the heart of change. Dawson is starting his beautiful program tomorrow. Register here to join him. CLICK HERE to Register for Free WHAT IF YOU COULD MAKE ONLY ONE WISHImagine you’re Aladdin for a second.You found the magic lamp, and when you rub it -- the Genie pops out! And then he says: “You only get ONE wish.” What would you wish for? The logical thing to ask would be: “More wishes!”, right? So this brings me to my point... If you could learn just ONE skill… What would that be? You can pick anything… But the smart choice would be the skill of learning itself – and learning fast – so then you can easily pick up any other skill that you want. That’s why I want to introduce you to Jim Kwik who’s going to show you How to Read Faster and Learn Better in this FREE Mindvalley Masterclass this week. Here’s what you’ll discover: • A powerful speed reading exercise that will allow you to focus your mind, easily consume at least 25% more words per minute, and shave one to four hours off your daily tasks • Learn exactly how your brain operates and processes information, so that you shatter the societal myths that have been limiting your brain’s best performance • Adopt two techniques that CEOs, rocket scientists, and Hollywood’s biggest stars use to improve performance, retain more information, and more than double productivity • Program the supercomputer within you to naturally improve your mind’s capability • Discover the 4 Levels of Learning you need to unlock in order to enhance your productivity, rate of learning, and growth • Learn how to create quantum learning shifts in your life for success, no matter your age, skill level, education, or background • And so much more… Sounds good? Reserve your FREE SPOT TODAY. P.S. You probably know Will Smith played Genie in the new Aladdin movie recently. Well, Jim Kwik actually trained Will (and many other Hollywood A-listers) on how to speed read and learn scripts faster. Pretty cool, right? Don’t miss this Masterclass. It’s going to be fun! Book your FREE SPOT NOW... CLICK HERE TO CLAIM YOUR SPOT
BONUS PROGRAMS : If you only register for the Masterclass, you will have immediate access to the following exclusive Bonuses: How to recognize your preferred learning and reading style. Special exercises you can do any anywhere, to improve your peripheral vision and thus your reading speed. How to Preview a Book like a Thief How to feel a book and connect with the author To access the bonus programs, send me an email : CONTACT ME THE SPIRITUAL CHILD: THE NEW SCIENCE ON PARENTING FOR HEALTH AND LIFELONG THRIVING.The Spiritual Child presents the next big idea in psychology and parenting: The Science and the Power of Spirituality.Dr Lisa Miller combines more than 10 years of cutting –edge scientific research with broad anecdotal evidence from her work as a clinic psych9ologist to illustrate just how essential spirituality is to a child’s physical and mental health. Spirituality here is defined as a personal relationship to a higher power such as nature, God, Spirit, or the Universe that is loving and Guiding. The research shows that children who have a positive, active relationship to spirituality are: • 40 percent less likely to use and abuse substances. • 60% per cent less like to be depressed as teenagers. • 80 per cent less likely to have dangerous or unprotected sex. • More likely to have positive markers for thriving and high levels of academic success. The Spiritual Child translates these findings into practical advice for parents, giving concrete ways to develop and encourage their children’s well being, as well as their own. The Spiritual Child is provocative, conversation- starting book k, and a pioneering new way to think about modern parenting. Lisa Miller is a professor of Psychology and Education and director of the Clinical Psychology program at Columbia University, Teachers College. She is also the director of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute and the coeditor in chief of the American Association journal Spirituality in Clinical Practice. Miller assumes that good parents who are interested in the spiritual development of their children are capable of finding the best resources to guide and direct them in this important task of parenting. Her goal in this book is to provide the cutting edge data from the intersection between science and spirit. Beyond parents, the audience for this material is educators, health professionals, clergy, youth leaders, policy makers, and others. First comes a definition of spirituality as "an inner sense of relationship to a higher power that is loving and guiding. The word we give to this higher power might be God, nature, spirit, the universe, the creator, or other words that represent a divine presence. But the important point is that spirituality encompasses our relationship and dialogue with this higher presence." The Spiritual Child is highly recommended as a pre-eminently wise, practical and inspiring book for parents eager to lead their children on an adventuresome spiritual journey. Here are some useful links
Three Exercises you can perform at home A Good Review of the Book .. VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR UPDATES, SPECIAL OFFERS AND FOR YOUR COMMENTSLIKE US ON FACEBOOKWANTED PARENTS- TEACHERS AND EDUCATORSWe are looking for a group of parents - teachers - educators - trainers to help us improve our programs:Your Task: to try out our programs with your child or a group of children. We understand that not everyone is able to invest a lot of capital on an educational licensee. Our policy is to spread this wonderful opportunity far and wide and in that spirit, we will consider Pay as you Earn for deserving applicants. CONTACT US THE BACK ISSUES ARE AT... CALLING PARENTS- TEACHERS- EDUCATORSYou can now teach your child(ren) Midbrain Activation and Quantum Speed Reading in the comfort and privacy of your own home.The parents are always the first and the most important teachers in a child's life. Midbrain Activation is much more than learning a set of "magical" skills. As the late Prof. Makoto Schichida always emphasised that "The philosophy of Shichida revolves around parent-child bonding." We feel that once you engage the heart of a child, you can engage their mind. It's all about praise, love, and accept, which is our motto. The "Soul Education" is an education to develop children's hearts and polish their souls. The right brain can be activated not by egoistic hearts but by appreciative hearts. Parents should shower their child with love and praise which in turn encourages the child to learn. When a child is reared in an environment of unlimited love, continuous praise and unconditional acceptance, it develops a sense of "oneness" between parent and child. To unlock and develop the right brain, parents need to provide children with a stress-free environment to learn. QUANTUM SPEED READING ONLINE If your child has completed Midbrain Activation Course, you may want to follow up with the Quantum Speed Reading experience which Please contact us details:
DO YOU HAVE A PROGRAM RELATING TO EDUCATION?If you conduct classes or programs or workshops on whole brain development, right brain education, multiple intelligence etc. and would like world-wide exposure, please
QUANTUM READING FOR ADULTS - ONLINECLICK HERE FOR DETAILS For Feedback, Suggestions,Comments and Questions ===========================General & Unsubscribe Info =========================== HOW TO CREATE A GENIUS FAMILY © Copyright 2012, RUWAN EDUCATION NZ LTD, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. No express or implied income claims made herein. Your business success is dependent on many factors, including your own abilities. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content. Please feel free to use excerpts from this newsletter as long as you give credit with a link to our page: ======================================================== MIDBRAIN ACTIVATION is an opt-in ezine available by subscription only. We neither use nor endorse the use of spam. Thank you!
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