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Dear FriendHOW TO CREATE A GENIUS FAMILY - 4 Jun 2017Contents
“The greatest unexplored territory in the universe is the space between your ears. Editorial Welcome to our Newsletter We have some exciting news and offers for you.
“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
What do parents most desire for their children ?What is the value of Education ?What is the goal most parents have for the children ? Do all parents want their children to become doctors, engineers or accountants? Does a University education offer good value for money? Is a postgraduate qualification a guarantee of success? To find answers to these and other questions, an international Bank carried out a global survey and reported its finding in several reports. Here's the Forward to that report:
University education is the gateway to a successful and happy future. Equipping young people with the core and softer skills they need to enter their careers and achieve their goals, benefits the wider society, as highly educated graduates will help improve medical care, foster innovation or run successful businesses. This survey explores parents’ hopes and expectations for their children’s education and beyond, with a focus on how parents can help children get what they need to achieve their life goals. The findings reveal that parents aspire to professional careers for their children, whether in traditional fields like medicine, engineering or law, or in newer sectors like business management or computer science. However, parents are also conscious that, in many ways, their children have it tougher than they did. An increasingly competitive job market means that a standard undergraduate degree is seen as necessary but not sufficient. Young people need to do more to stand out from their peers. Postgraduate qualifications and studying abroad are ways to do this, but they can be costly and so require careful advance planning. Parents also realise that their children need to graduate with life skills as well as academic qualifications to be attractive to employers. They need to leave university as confident, responsible and well-rounded adults. Independence – including financial responsibility – is viewed as the most valuable asset with which a child can leave university. Children can gain an initial grasp of this through contributing to their own university costs, with many parents expecting their children to save up or get a job in order to share the funding. However, it is parents who take the primary responsibility for funding their children’s university education. While the majority have or expect to have a solid plan in place for doing so, even the best laid plans can go awry. Parents often find that, by the time their children reach university age, they have not saved as much as they intended. The result is that both they and their children are faced with borrowing more and paying off debt for longer than they had planned. To Read the highlights of this report please visit:
Rewire Your Brain to SucceedYour brain – that three-pound hunk of matter located between your ears – is the most sophisticated, complex, and miraculous piece of equipment ever known to humankind.It controls everything you see, say, feel, and do. With such a powerful tool at your disposal, isn’t it your responsibility to understand how it works and how to make it work optimally? Here are some fundamentals. First, it’s important to understand that you are nothing but energy. If you took a high-powered microscope and looked at the smallest, most fundamental pieces of matter – not atoms, protons, and electrons, but the minuscule neutrons, gluons, quarks, and mesons that these subatomic particles are made of – you would see nothing but little bits of electromagnetic vibrating waves of light. Those bits are what you’re made of, and your brain controls the vibration of every one of them. Second, it’s important to know that your brain can grow new brain cells (or neurons) in a process called neurogenesis. Not so long ago, scientists believed that people were hardwired or born with genetic predispositions and makeup.
But now when someone says, “That’s just the way I am, this is the way I was born,” we know they’re only half right. While genetic predisposition accounts for about half of your internal programming, the other fifty percent comes from behaviors, perceptions, beliefs, and habits you may have learned as far back as childhood and conditioned into your brain.
Here’s the good news: by understanding how your brain works, you can change your old conditioning and tap into your brain’s inherent genius to achieve your goals and dreams.
If you would like a short, 2 minute video about how to retrain your brain and overcome the beliefs that are hindering your success, The Eyes don't see..If you are really serious about achieving greater financial success you must read and understand this now. In my many years of studying human perception and peak behavior it never ceases to amaze me how many people think that we see with our eyes. We don’t! We see when light bounces off an external object and enters our eye through the cornea, causing complex chemical reactions and electrical impulses to occur. This allows our brain to decipher the information from our external world and to determine whether or not it is important to us.It is actually our brain that sees and not our eyes. Our eyes are just like the lens on a camera – they allow in light that is reflected off objects so that our brain can see and process information. Seems pretty simple right? Now, you may be asking why this is important to earning money and so I’ll explain to you what is really going on and why it’s especially important to you if want to achieve higher levels of financial success. The way your brain works is really amazing when it comes to capturing and analyzing information. However, herein lies the problem. If you are interested in retraining your brain to maximize your potential, personally and professionally, check out this short video: Every second about 400 billion pieces of “information” from the outside world are being picked up through your eyes and your non-conscious mind. Your conscious mind however is made aware of up to only 2,000 of those pieces of information. That means that over 9.9999 million pieces of information are being dropped from your conscious awareness at any given time. Your brain searches the outside world for patterns and images that it currently recognizes or deems highly important. It drops all other sensory information from your perception if it is not on your “important list” or part of your current mental programming or conditioning. With that said, if you are conditioned to earn a certain income or if your company is used to generating certain revenues, your brain is will consistently seek out opportunities that match that level of income. Nothing less, nothing more. Earning more income is totally an inside mental game and not an outside game. Working harder used to be the answer because that is what our parents, teachers and mentors taught us we should do. They didn’t know better. Today we do. With all the advancements in brain research and recent understandings in quantum physics, you owe it to yourself to really understand how your priceless brain works and how to take control of all its powerful systems. In the last six years alone the advancements in human potential have been huge, especially in understanding why people get stuck financially. If you are still working way too hard daily, then you are really missing the boat on taking your income or revenues to your true potential. If you are interested in retraining your brain to maximize your potential, personally and professionally, : CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR UPDATES, SPECIAL OFFERS AND FOR YOUR COMMENTSLIKE US ON FACEBOOKWANTED PARENTS- TEACHERS AND EDUCATORSWe are looking for a group of parents - teachers - educators - trainers to help us improve our programs:Your Task: to try out our programs with your child or a group of children. We understand that not everyone is able to invest a lot of capital on an educational licensee. Our policy is to spread this wonderful opportunity far and wide and in that spirit, we will consider Pay as you Earn for deserving applicants. CONTACT US THE BACK ISSUES ARE AT... CALLING PARENTS- TEACHERS- EDUCATORSYou can now teach your child(ren) Midbrain Activation and Quantum Speed Reading in the comfort and privacy of your own home.The parents are always the first and the most important teachers in a child's life. Midbrain Activation is much more than learning a set of "magical" skills. As the late Prof. Makoto Schichida always emphasised that "The philosophy of Shichida revolves around parent-child bonding." We feel that once you engage the heart of a child, you can engage their mind. It's all about praise, love, and accept, which is our motto. The "Soul Education" is an education to develop children's hearts and polish their souls. The right brain can be activated not by egoistic hearts but by appreciative hearts. Parents should shower their child with love and praise which in turn encourages the child to learn. When a child is reared in an environment of unlimited love, continuous praise and unconditional acceptance, it develops a sense of "oneness" between parent and child. To unlock and develop the right brain, parents need to provide children with a stress-free environment to learn. QUANTUM SPEED READING ONLINE If your child has completed Midbrain Activation Course, you may want to follow up with the Quantum Speed Reading experience which Please contact us details:
DO YOU HAVE A PROGRAM RELATING TO EDUCATION?If you conduct classes or programs or workshops on whole brain development, right brain education, multiple intelligence etc. and would like world-wide exposure, please
QUANTUM READING FOR ADULTS - ONLINECLICK HERE FOR DETAILS For Feedback, Suggestions,Comments and Questions ===========================General & Unsubscribe Info =========================== HOW TO CREATE A GENIUS FAMILY © Copyright 2012, RUWAN EDUCATION NZ LTD, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. No express or implied income claims made herein. Your business success is dependent on many factors, including your own abilities. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content. Please feel free to use excerpts from this newsletter as long as you give credit with a link to our page: ======================================================== MIDBRAIN ACTIVATION is an opt-in ezine available by subscription only. We neither use nor endorse the use of spam. Thank you!
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