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Dear FriendHOW TO CREATE A GENIUS FAMILY - 4 Oct 2015Contents
Information + Experiences x Repetition = Beliefs Beliefs + Experiences x Repetition = Habits
Editorial Welcome to our New Newsletter Why has the name changed ? Midbrain Activation and Quantum Speed Reading were only available for children. We have since discovered that adults too can profit from the same programs. We have also introduced some more programs for adults such as Awaken the Third Eye and Mindpower. We now have programs for the whole family and we strongly believe that to developing the genius in our children is a whole family commitment Welcome to our new members Please feel free to pass this on to your list Enjoy
MINDFULNESS TRAINING for Children and AdultsMindfulness-based coping exercises for young people, people with an intellectual disability, and adults who prefer playful, concrete images. Improve wellbeing and resilience, decrease distress.Dr Kumari Fernando Valentine is a clinical psychologist with an interest in anxiety, trauma, and wellbeing. This CD is a collection of exercises that are useful when younger people need increased coping skills. All these exercises help with feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed. I have indicated, however, particular conditions where the exercises may be especially useful. The exercises are meant to be used preventatively, to promote resilience, as well as reactively, to help exit a state. For maximum gain, practice the exercises when calmer, so that skills can be used even when anxious. 01 Stretch like a Cat: A brief, playful progressive muscle relaxation to decrease tension. Especially useful for trauma, worry, anger, sleep problems. FREE 02 Tummy Breathing: Diaphragmatic Breathing. Useful for all conditions. An essential skill. 03 Affirmations: Neutral and positive coping statements. Useful for worry, managing anxiety including panic, performance fears, low mood, self-esteem. 04 Bubble Breathing: Slow Breathing. Useful for all conditions. An essential skill. FREE 05 Sticking Attention: and smell. Useful for: trauma/dissociation/spacing out, feeling overwhelmed, panic, feeling out of control, social anxiety, low mood, agitation, anger, worry. 06 My Bubble of Protection: A visualisation exercise, developed originally for adults, where we imagine creating a bubble of protection for the day that shields us from negativity, and criticism. Useful for: dealing with bullies and critics, social anxiety, self-esteem, trauma. 07 Safe Place Visualisation: A visualisation for helping with carrying a feeling of safety around inside. We create a safe place that can be gone to when needed. At first, it may be difficult to imagine a safe place. Practice will help. Useful for: trauma, social anxiety, stress. 08 Riding the Waves of Anxiety: In this visualisation, with accompanying ocean sounds, we imagine coping with anxious feelings. Useful for exposure and response prevention work, trauma, panic, agitation. 09 Walking through a Rainforest: Peaceful visualisation to promote calmness. 10 Zap Zap Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs): Automatic Negative Thoughts quickly enter our head and we believe them! They affect how we feel. In this exercise, we practice tuning in to thoughts and then zapping them! Useful for: all conditions including worry, stress, feeling overwhelmed. 11 Throw Worry Stones into the Water: in this practical, mindfulness visualisation, we practice letting our worries go. Useful for: feeling overwhelmed, stressed, worrying, self-esteem. 12 Inviting a Superhero to Help: we all need extra help sometimes! In this visualisation, we increase coping and changing perspective by inviting a favourite superhero in to help us. Useful for: nightmares, stress, worry, low mood. FREE
ONLINE TRAINING IN MIDBRAIN ACTIVATION & QUANTUM SPEED READING.It is with great pleasure we announce that now it is possible to teach your child(ren) midbrain activation and Quantum Speed Reading in the comfort of your own home and at a fraction of the previous cost.The live workshop over 2 days though very effective, was expensive. We had to send two tutors and take into account their airfare and accommodation in addition to the training fee. This new step follows from our Mission To become a Leader in the Development of Human Potential and an Ultimate Resource Centre that provides Innovative Technologies that lead to Mankind’s Evolution THE BACK ISSUES ARE AT... THE MIRACLE PLANT IN YOUR GARDENThe Miracle Plant is a tree brought from the mind of God to the hands of man. It was recognized by the National Institutes of Health as the Botanical of the Year for 2007, and praised again in 2011 and 2012. It is valued worldwide for its ability to treat over 300 diseases.It has the ability to retain high concentrations of electrolyte minerals, allowing it to stay internally hydrated in the driest of conditions. Africans have honored it with names that translate to: “Never Die,” and “The Only Thing that Grows in the Dry Season,” and “Mother’s Milk.” I think it’s safe to say that this plant has saved more lives in 3rd world countries than any other. This amazing tree is capable of delivering what the body needs and these enzymatically active amino acid sequences may simply not exist in the food chain anywhere else, and that is just the tip of the nutritional iceberg when it comes to The Miracle Plant. The Miracle Plant provides a rare combination of zeatin (a potent antioxidant), quercetin (a flavonoid known for its ability to neutralize free radicals and relieve inflammation), beta-sitosterol (a nutrient superstar that blocks cholesterol formation or build-up and is an anti-inflammatory agent for the body), caffeoylquinic acid (another powerful anti-inflammatory compound), and kaempferol (a key nutrient that promotes healthy body cellular function). All in all, enzymatically active and bioavailable The Miracle Plant oleifera provides 36 natural anti-inflammatory agents. Free radical damage caused by electron-seeking, highly reactive, oxidative molecules has been identified as the source of many maladies through mechanisms such as inhibition of telomerase, changes to cellular permeability and DNA damage. It has been established that The Miracle Plant oleifera contains 46 different antioxidants. According to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center’s website, “In vitro and animal studies indicate that the leaf, seed, and root extracts of The Miracle Plant Oleifera have anticancer, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antisickling effects. They may also protect against Alzheimer’s disease, stomach ulcers, help lower cholesterol levels, and promote wound healing.” When mainstream cancer clinics start to tout the benefits of a natural botanical, then we know that there must be something to it! But that’s just the tip of the iceberg with The Miracle Plant This “miracle tree” is able to provide all of the amino acids required by the human body. Protein is needed not only for the structural components such as muscle and tissues, but neurotransmitters, hormones, enzymes and immunoglobulins as well. There are various nutrients that can have a beneficial effect on enhancing immune system function and The Miracle Plant oleifera certainly qualifies in this category due to the ability to provide several of these phytonutrients. Speaking of the immune system, one of the functions of the immune system is to keep pathogens from growing, proliferating and damaging tissues. The Miracle Plant oleifera has been shown to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibiotic, which will certainly lighten the load on the immune system. In addition, The Miracle Plant demonstrates the ability to be a potent detoxifying agent. Amazingly, the leaves of this extraordinary tree contain 7 times the vitamin C found in oranges, 4 times the calcium in milk, 4 times the vitamin A in carrots, 2 times the protein of yogurt, 25 times the iron in spinach, and 3 times the potassium in bananas. WHAT IS THIS MRACLE PLANT ? It is the Murungai ( Tamil); Murunga ( Sri Lanka); The Drum Stick Tree ( English); Moringa oleifera (Botanical name) .... ... MIDBRAIN ACTIVATION AND QUANTUM SPEED READING ONLINEYou can now teach your child(ren) Midbrain Activation and Quantum Speed Reading in the comfort and privacy of your own home.The parents are always the first and the most important teachers in a child's life. Midbrain Activation is much more than learning a set of "magical" skills. As the late Prof. Makoto Schichida always emphasised that "The philosophy of Shichida revolves around parent-child bonding." We feel that once you engage the heart of a child, you can engage their mind. It's all about praise, love, and accept, which is our motto. The "Soul Education" is an education to develop children's hearts and polish their souls. The right brain can be activated not by egoistic hearts but by appreciative hearts. Parents should shower their child with love and praise which in turn encourages the child to learn. When a child is reared in an environment of unlimited love, continuous praise and unconditional acceptance, it develops a sense of "oneness" between parent and child. To unlock and develop the right brain, parents need to provide children with a stress-free environment to learn. QUANTUM SPEED READING ONLINE If your child has completed Midbrain Activation Course, you may want to follow up with the Quantum Speed Reading experience which Please contact us details:
Your Brain and Winning the Game of MoneyYour brain – that three-pound hunk of matter located between your ears – is the most sophisticated, complex, and miraculous piece of equipment ever known to humankind. It controls everything you see, say, feel, and do. With such a powerful tool at your disposal, isn’t it your responsibility to understand how it works and how to make it work optimally?Here are some fundamentals. First, it’s important to understand that you are nothing but energy. If you took a high-powered microscope and looked at the smallest, most fundamental pieces of matter – not atoms, protons, and electrons, but the minuscule neutrons, gluons, quarks, and mesons that these subatomic particles are made of – you would see nothing but little bits of electromagnetic vibrating waves of light. Those bits are what you’re made of, and your brain controls the vibration of every one of them. Second, it’s important to know that your brain can grow new brain cells (or neurons) in a process called neurogenesis. Not so long ago, scientists believed that people were hardwired or born with genetic predispositions and makeup. But now when someone says, “That’s just the way I am, this is the way I was born,” we know they’re only half right. While genetic predisposition accounts for about half of your internal programming, the other fifty percent comes from behaviors, perceptions, beliefs, and habits you may have learned as far back as childhood and conditioned into your brain. Here’s the good news: by understanding how your brain works, you can change your old conditioning and tap into your brain’s inherent genius to achieve your goals and dreams. If you would like a short, 2 minute video about how to retrain your brain and overcome the beliefs that are hindering your success, CLICK HERE DO YOU HAVE A PROGRAM RELATING TO EDUCATION?If you conduct classes or programs or workshops on whole brain development, right brain education, multiple intelligence etc. and would like world-wide exposure, please
Here’s an example from our newest Quantum Reading Instructor - Nisha Chandak Please read about the amazing life changing work she does CLICK HERE WANTED DYNAMIC TUTORS/ TEACHERS/TRAINERS• Are you passionate about helping students to succeed with their text book study ? • Do You want to improve your own reading speed and skills ? • Are you willing to go through a strict programme of action over 8 weeks ? • Are you looking for part time income in keeping with your skills and experience ? • Then please read on… READ MORE ABOUT THIS OPPORTUNITYQUANTUM READING FOR ADULTS - ONLINECLICK HERE FOR DETAILSFor Feedback, Suggestions,Comments and Questions =========================== General & Unsubscribe Info =========================== HOW TO CREATE A GENIUS FAMILY © Copyright 2012, RUWAN ASSOCIATES, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. No express or implied income claims made herein. Your business success is dependent on many factors, including your own abilities. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content. Please feel free to use excerpts from this newsletter as long as you give credit with a link to our page: ======================================================== MIDBRAIN ACTIVATION is an opt-in ezine available by subscription only. We neither use nor endorse the use of spam. Thank you!
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