Secrets of Right Brain Development for children, students and parents - We help to bring out the Genius in your child


programs for students

We  help youth  and students  to reach their  full potential by activating their right brain capabilities.

Our programs and technologies help students learn and master emotional awareness and self-regulation skills. These critical skills build a solid foundation for greater mental and emotional health, positive social behavior and relationships and academic excellence, all of which are essential for success and well-being in today’s fast-paced, complex world.

Evidence-based and highly effective

Students who participate in our Proprietary  programs and use its technologies show significant improvements in impulse control and self-regulation, academic focus, decision-making and getting along better with teachers, peers and parents.

programs for adults

Life Purpose & Personal Power

What does it really mean to live a life of purpose? How does one truly follow the heart’s yearning for greater spiritual fulfillment and communion?  Check out our online courses and audio seminars in the art and science of uncovering, exploring and achieving your greatest potential in life

Grounded in the teachings and practices of pioneers of the Human Potential movement, our educational programs aim to help you reach your highest destiny.

Spirituality & Meditation

Ruwan Education, in collaboration with some of today’s leading transformational teachers, authors and experts, offers programs designed to powerfully shift your worldview and uplift your approach to life.

Utilizing the principles and practices of integral and evolutionary psychology, scientific theory, meditation and other spiritual practices, Ruwan Education is at the forefront of experiential, transformative education today for the purpose of inspiring opportunities for profound personal & spiritual transformation and development.

Success & Prosperity

The words “success” and “prosperity” can mean different things to different people. For us, they both have to do with having enough money to be able to do the things you want to do in your life without having to feel stressed about your financial situation or struggle to make ends meet.

Our programs in the area of Success & Prosperity are focused on helping you create the financial situation for yourself that best suits your desired life goals, including starting or improving your own business, and we have three of the most brilliant and respected financial-prosperity experts in the world.

Love and Relationships

We  offer some of today’s most incisive, spiritually potent, and highly effective practical programs for those who seek meaningful and fulfilling romantic engagement in their lives.

The basis of our  focus is on achieving liberation from your own limiting and negative beliefs so that you might experience happy, healthy relationships that support you to fully flourish and thrive in your life.


At this very moment, millions of people are searching for ways to align themselves with a higher calling and deeper purpose. Some say it’s a global awakening of proportions we’ve never seen. We believe it’s time for every individual to take a close look at what it means to live fully into your purpose in life

We fully embrace the complete transformation and personal fulfillment of every individual, based on principles of self-knowledge, self-mastery, synchronicity and destiny, communication and community, and an ever-deepening intimacy with self and other. Our programs have helped countless women and men find truly meaningful romantic partnership in the discovery of their higher potential and greatest contribution to the planet

                                      Have you seen our new book : introduction to non ocular vision Activation?   
click here for a sneak preview